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Preschool Handbook

Table of Contents  














Parent Communication 

Parent and Child Orientation/Back to School Nights 


Open House 


Home Visits 

Parent Teacher Conferences 

Family Night 

Classroom Information 

Child-Specific Information 










Immunization Exclusion 


Administration of Medication 

Sunscreen and Bug Repellent 

Allergies and Chronic Illness 

Cleaning and Sanitation 

Hand-Washing Policies and Procedures 

First Aid Kit 

Water Play 

Fire, Tornado, and Other Emergency Procedures 


Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse 




Clothing and Dress 

Accidents & Injuries 


Food From Home Policy 








Dear Parents & Guardians,  

Thank you for choosing Guardian Angel Preschool as a “partner” in your child’s preschool education.  We are excited to work with you and your child to develop the foundation for your child’s academic success.  We strive to offer a quality program that recognizes and values each child’s unique traits and potential.  We look forward to a year of amazing growth for your child. 

We adhere to all state, county, and district rules regarding child care licensing, fire, safety, and nutrition.  Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for all children in which to learn and develop.   

This handbook was designed to acquaint you with our program policies and procedures.  Please read and refer to this handbook as needed.  Feel free to discuss any concerns or questions you have with our staff. 



At Guardian Angel, your child will be offered a wide variety of learning experiences.  Our personalized approach to education will match the learner to what he or she is ready to learn, allowing your child to develop at his or her own pace. 


Guardian Angel strives to develop a positive self- image in each child.  Our staff will encourage each individual to discover his/her own uniqueness.  Your child will learn important social skills in his or her interaction with the other children. 


Guardian Angel will provide quality care for the children by creating a home-like, safe, and loving environment with an enthusiastic and stimulating atmosphere. 



To make preschool a positive and happy foundation for the children and their families to proceed on in life, remembering that what we do here touches lives forever. 


To assist the parent in fulfilling their responsibilities for protecting the child and providing opportunities for the physical, social, emotional and educational development of the child. 


To learn and grow ourselves as teachers in order to provide the highest quality care for the children. 


To accept each child’s individual and unique needs and meet them to the best of our ability. 


To provide a safe, loving atmosphere where children can learn and grow at their own pace. 


To always remember that each child is a very special and very important person with deep feelings and that each has something to contribute. 


To provide age appropriate activities and learning materials.  


To provide hands-on-learning. 


To never be a substitute for parents, but be someone the child can count on for friendship, fairness, guidance, encouragement, love and acceptance no matter what the child’s behavior pattern.  



We offer a child-centered and developmentally appropriate program for two- through five-year old children. Guardian Angel has chosen to implement the play-based learning framework of Creative Curriculum® for Preschool. Creative Curriculum® is a comprehensive system of learning based on research and knowledge regarding all areas of child development – social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language and covers the academic areas of language and literacy, mathematics, technology, creative arts, science, social studies, and health & safety.  


The curriculum is individualized to meet the needs of every child. Each family’s culture is respected and family members are encouraged to participate on the program.  The physical environment is safe, healthy, and contains a variety of toys and materials that are both stimulating and familiar.  Children select activities and materials that interest them, and they learn by being actively involved.  Adults show respect for children and interact with them in caring ways.  The teachers have specialized trainings in child development and appropriate programming.   


Curriculum goals and objectives guide staff’s ongoing assessment of children’s progress, allowing them to individualize learning for each child.  The curriculum guides the development of a daily schedule that is predictable yet flexible and responsive to individual needs of the children.  The schedule provides time and support for transitions, includes both indoor and outdoor experiences, and is responsive to a child’s need to rest or be active. 




It is Guardian Angel Preschool and Daycare’s belief that assessment of young children should be purposeful, developmentally appropriate and take place in the natural setting by familiar adults. The results will be used for planning experiences for the children and to guide instruction and program improvement. Assessments will never be used to label children or include or exclude them from a program.  A family’s culture and a child’s experiences outside the school setting are recognized as being an important piece of the child’s growth and development. All results will be kept confidential and stored in student files. Children are assessed in the following ways:

  • The Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment tool is modified to align with the Iowa Early Learning Standards. Teaching staff record and submit student progress data in all developmental areas throughout the year. Observational data provides an ongoing anecdotal record of each child’s progress during daily activities.

  • Child portfolios are organized by the teaching staff and include the assessments, observational data and child work samples collected on an on-going basis.

  • Families are asked to contribute information about their child’s progress.  Young children often demonstrate different skills in different settings. Working together, the teaching staff and families can gather a complete picture of a child’s growth and development.

  • Ages and Stages is a questionnaire that assesses a child’s physical, intellectual, and social growth.


The information from the above is used in the following ways:

  • To provide information about children’s needs, interests, and abilities in order to plan developmentally appropriate experiences for them;

  • To provide information to parents about their children’s developmental milestones; and

  • To indicate possible areas that requires additional assessment.  


Assessment information will be shared formally with families during Parent/Teacher Conferences in the fall and spring. In addition, the Creative Curriculum GOLD assessment data will be sent home in October, February, and May. On-line access to GOLD may be available to families. The preschool teacher will communicate at least weekly regarding children’s activities and developmental milestones. Informal conferences are always welcome and may be requested at any time.

If, through observation, or information on the Creative Curriculum GOLD or through concerns expressed by parents, the teacher feels that there is a possible issue related to a developmental delay or other special need, she/he will communicate this to the family during a conference, sharing documentation of the concerns. 

If the need is related to academic or social/behavioral progress, the teacher/parent will follow up with the AEA Staff to address student needs, and as a resource for an early intervention process. This team engages in problem identification, plans interventions, provides support, and makes outside resources available to those individuals requesting assistance. The team is available and functional for all students and teachers in the building. 

A request may be made to Northwest Area Education Agency for support or more formalized testing. With parental consent, the preschool teacher would assist in arranging for developmental screening and referral for diagnostic assessment when indicated.    

If a child is determined to need special accommodations, those accommodations are included in the materials, environment, and lesson plans for that child. Examples include sign language and visuals for children with hearing impairments or language delays and behavior plans for children whose behavior does not respond to the typical strategies used by teaching staff in the classroom.




The program administrator will be working closely with all sites to ensure all standards are met and maintained.  Administrators, families, staff, and other routinely participating adults will be involved annually in a program evaluation that measures progress toward the program's goals and objectives.  The annual evaluation process includes gathering evidence on all areas of program functioning, including policies and procedures, program quality, children's progress and learning, family involvement and satisfaction, and community awareness and satisfaction.  A parent survey is provided at least annually each school year to collect parents’ feedback on positive/negative aspects of the program. Each year a self-evaluation is completed by the classroom teachers and administrators, as well. Information gathered from all of these sources is used to continue to enhance the quality of the program and the services provided to children and families.  Collaborative and shared decision making is used with all participants to build trust and enthusiasm for making program changes.  Staff and families meet at least annually to consult on program planning and ongoing program operations.  



Guardian Angel teachers implement daily activities planned to meet our program goals and objectives.  Each classroom follows developmentally appropriate daily schedules based on the Creative Curriculum which meets the unique needs of the children served.  The daily schedules for each classroom are posted. 


A sample classroom schedule might look like this: 

  • Arrival Time-the children learn responsibility by finding their classroom, hanging up backpacks, and coats.  Usually when the children first arrive in the classroom, they participate in limited-choice play activities set out by the teachers as they become acclimated to the classroom. 

  • Group Meeting Time-the children take attendance of the class, talk about the different centers that will be opened for the day, discuss any new toys that will be out, what small group will look like, the snack for the day, and any special events for the day. 

  • Snack-the children will be in different small groups and can socialize while eating a healthy snack.  This is an opportunity to learn about manners and independence as they serve and clean up after themselves.  

  • Group Activities-sometimes the children are in small groups of 6-8 learners who are working on an activity together.  Other times, a group activity may be for the whole class to come together to enjoy a story or sing and dance together, etc. 

  • Learning Centers/Free Choice Time-Children will have the opportunity to have choices involving blocks, dramatic play, writing, reading, technology, water and sand play, science and discovery, music and movement, cooking activities, games and toys, art activities, etc. 

  • Outside Time-children enjoy playground activities such as sliding, pushing activities, pulling activities, climbing, riding tricycles, running and participating in group games. 

Music and Movement-children express themselves through finger plays, music and rhythm, dancing, story retelling, etc.



It is the policy of Guardian Angel to not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or as otherwise prohibited by law in its educational program services, and employment practices.   


If, at any time a parent/guardian is need of any part of the paper to be in their home language, please notify us and we will give you the needed paper work.  Also, if you ever feel there is a language barrier between you and the staff, please share the concern with us and we will provide an interpreter to help us with communication. 



The ADA is a federal civil rights law that went into effect in 1992.  The Act states that people with disabilities are entitled to equal rights in employment, state and local public services, and public accommodations such as preschools, child care centers, and family child care homes.  ADA presents an exciting opportunity to plan for and include children with disabilities in early childhood settings.  Children and families benefit from inclusion.  Children with disabilities share learning opportunities with their peers.  Inclusion also fosters caring attitudes and teaches children about interdependence and understanding for human differences.  For early childhood professionals it is an extension of continuing efforts to meet the individual needs of each child and family. 



All staff is expected to be knowledgeable in Iowa State Licensing Rules and Regulation for Child Care, and is expected to follow all procedures as outlined in the Rules and Regulations for care of children.  A copy of the DHS licensing standards is available in the director’s office.  The classrooms follow the recommended ratios per class. 

  • Three-year-old classroom-12 children with two adults 

  • Four-year-old classroom-16 children with two adults 

  • Universal Preschool-16 children with two adults 



All Guardian teachers meet or exceed the Iowa Department of Education licensing requirements. All of the lead teachers hold a four-year college degree and have completed required basic coursework in early childhood education. Every year, the director, teachers, and assistant teachers must complete a required number of continued training hours. All of the staff have experience working with young children in a supervised program. In addition, our staff members truly love and understand child development and our play-based philosophy. 



Confidentiality plays a vital role in promoting respect for every individual and fostering a strong community. Guardian Angel takes confidentiality very seriously and makes every effort to protect each family’s privacy. Communications among staff and parents about children should be kept confidential at all times.  



A close family-school relationship is essential for the Guardian Angel to be fully responsive to the child and for them to reap the maximum benefits from the early childhood experience.  All family information shared with Guardian Angel, either written or verbal, is kept confidential and only shared with necessary Guardian Angel personnel, which includes the teaching staff working with your child and administration.  Additionally, and information concerning your child, including observations, assessments, and work samplings, will not be shared with anyone outside Guardian Angel, such as AEA consultant, without your written permission.  If you need any information, whether verbal or written translated, please contact the Director to assist you. 


Parent Communication 

We believe that parent communication is key to a successful early education program.  Please check your child’s back pack regularly for information on upcoming events, newsletters, and your child’s completed projects. 


Guardian Angel communicates with parents in a number of ways:  

  • Email  

  • Telephone  

  • Parent orientation 

  • Back-to-School Night  

  • Home Visits (Universal Preschool Only) 

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences 

  • Notices sent home in children’s backpacks 

  • Parent board in classroom  


Parent and Child Orientation/Back to School Nights are held each fall.  This is an opportunity for parents to learn more about Guardian Angel, meet their teachers, learn more about the classroom, etc.  The teachers will explain their classroom, activities, give a tour of the building, go over policies and procedures, etc.  The parents will also be given an opportunity to ask any question about Guardian Angel. 



Open House: Parents will be encouraged to attend Open House before class starts in the fall.  This is an opportunity for the parents and children to meet the teachers, become acquainted with the classroom, and ask any questions they may have. 


Newsletters: Each month you will receive a copy of the Guardian Angel newsletter.  This letter will provide you with general information, educational resources you can use with your child, and any other information specific to your child’s classroom. 


Home Visits: (Universal Preschool Only)  An In-Home visit will occur before each child starts preschool.  This gives the teachers a chance to meet the child and their families, discuss the child’s interests, discuss any health concerns or accommodations that need to be made in the classroom, and to set specific goals for the child to work on throughout the school year.  Guardian Angel will also provide parents with a “Child Interest Inventory”  to better understand your child and help with planning activities and lesson plans throughout the school year. 


Parent Teacher Conferences: (Universal Preschool) Parent-teacher conferences are held two times per school year (fall, and spring). The fall conference is an informal meeting for parents and teachers to have an opportunity to discuss the child and specific goals the parents would like their child to work on. For the spring conferences, the teacher will share assessment data of the development of each child and discuss with the parents their plans of transition of the children the following year.  At this time, Guardian Angel will provide parents with a “Parent Survey” that will provide the staff with information regarding the evaluation of the preschool programs. 

(Non-Universal Preschool) Parent-teacher conferences will be held one time per school year and will also include the above items. 


Family Night: Parents will have the opportunity to attend Parent Education Programs and/or Family Night one time throughout the school year. 


Parent Survey: Every year during the fall conferences, we send out a family survey. This will help us ensure we are doing everything possible to best fit your family’s needs. If parents have suggestions or changes they wish to see, this will give us plenty of time to adjust and make any changes we see are necessary. 


Classroom Information: 

  • The teacher will place reminder notes outside the classroom for reminders, family involvement activities, etc. 

  • Monthly Calendars are posted in the classroom.  

  • Please be sure to check the contents of your child’s backpack each night so that you can find important notes, art projects, and so forth.  

  • Artwork from different classes will rotate on the classroom walls throughout the year.  


Child-Specific Information: 

  • During arrival and dismissal times, staff members must devote full attention to all of the children. Please keep conversations brief. If you need to communicate specific information, a written note or email is preferred.  

  • If, at any time, you have special concerns, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher – use email, send a note, or call the center to leave a message. During school hours, teachers may accept phone calls but if they are busy leading a group of children and not able to talk, they may ask you to send them an email or to relay the message with the other available staff. The teacher will respond as soon as possible. 

  •  If you wish to talk to the teacher at length, you can email the teacher and, if needed, arrange a time to meet in person or over the phone. 

  • Please do not discuss problems or concerns in the presence of your child or other parents. 

  • Please communicate with the teacher about any changes at home or within the family (i.e., parent on a trip, family member in the hospital, sick grandparent). These changes can affect your child’s behavior, and it is useful for staff to be aware of these developments. Guardian Angel will always respect your privacy.  

  • If your child is going to be out of school for any reason, please let the teachers know. For illnesses, this is especially important so that we can inform families of any communicable disease symptoms while maintaining confidentiality. In addition, teachers and children miss a child when they are absent, so they would like to know that the child is okay.  




  • Registration forms for enrollment will be handed out at registration in April. 

  • Class placement is made on the basis of age (For the Universal Preschool Classroom, the child is required to be four by September 15th of that specific school year.  


  • Please give Guardian Angel written or verbal notice ASAP if your child will no longer be attending our program so that we have ample amount of time to fill your spot. 

  • If a child is withdrawn, there will be no refund after the yearly fee has been paid. 





4 Year Old Universal Preschool Program 

Option 1: Mon/Tuesday/Thursday Mornings 

8:15-11:45 (10.5 Hours/Week) 

Cost: Free


Option 2: Mon/Tuesday/Thursday Afternoons 

12:30-4:00 (10.5 Hours/Week) 

Cost: Free


3 ½  Year Old Preschool (NON-Universal) 

Tues/Thursday Mornings 




5 Year Old Preschool ( Non- Universal)

Mon/Wed/Friday Mornings 


Cost: $150.00 


Hours of Operation 

Guardian Angel is open Monday through Friday from 6:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. and is closed for the following Holidays: 

New Year’s Day

Labor Day 

Memorial Day


Independence Day

Christmas Day 

In addition to the above days, we will be closed: 

The day after Thanksgiving AND Christmas Eve 



For those children just attending Guardian Angel Preschool (Universal) with NO DAYCARE SERVICES…We ask that you walk your child down in the east sidewalk into the building using the first door in the basement (which is marked Universal Preschool).  Have the children hang up coats and book bags in their designated cubby.  Before you enter the Preschool Room, there is a Sign In Book.  We ask that you sign in who will be picking up your child after class.  If this changes before your child is picked up, please call Guardian Angel (712-546-8732) and let the teachers know the changes.  Before your child leaves Guardian Angel, please use the same form and place a check mark next to their name, indicating they have left the building.  The doors in the basement will be open five minutes before class is scheduled to start. 



When picking up your child after class, please wait in the driveway.  The teachers will bring the children upstairs.  When you see us in the main entrance, please come and get your child.  If we are outside, please pick up your child from the playground. 


For children attending Daycare AND Preschool:  Remember to clock your child in and out on the keyboard under the glass window upstairs by the office, when dropping off and picking up your child from daycare. 


Attendance/Absences: Regular attendance will support your child’s preschool experience.  Because space is limited, it is important to remember if your child has excessive absences from school, it may result in your child’s dismissal from this program. 


It is important that children are in class the entire class time.  Children who arrive late or leave early, miss out on important parts of the day and then lack continuity in the preschool time.  We understand that children occasionally need to be late or leave early, but please make every effort to assure your child is in attendance. 



All children registered for the Universal Preschool program must meet the following age requirements: 

4 Year Old Universal Preschool: Qualifying children must be Iowa residents and four years old by September 15 of that school year.   


All children registered for the Non-Universal Preschool program must be 3 ½ by September 15 of that school year, and can be as old as 5 years old to be enrolled in this program. 


REQUIRED FORMS FOR ENROLLMENT (must be on file before a child attends class) 

  1. A yellow emergency card 

  2. General Information Form/Authorization Release 

  3.  A Health Exam Form by parents and a Health Professional Form completed by a physician 

  4. Current Certificate of Immunization  

  5. Parental Emergency Medical Consent Form 

  6. Guardian Angel Community Partnership Student Information Form (Universal Preschool Requirement) 

  7. Child/Parent Interest Inventory Questionnaire (Provided at Home Visit for Universal Preschool Only) 

  8.  Medication Authorization Form (if applicable) 

  9. Health Care Plan (if applicable) 


  • It is the responsibility of the parent to keep the emergency information up to date.   We will be updating information three times a year, but you are welcome to make changes at any time.  

  • It is a Guardian Angel requirement that this Emergency Form be signed and dated by the parent annually. 

  • Medication Authorization Form: There are circumstances that make it necessary for a child to receive medication while attending school.  Trained child care givers can give prescription and nonprescription medication under certain circumstances with prior written permission from the child’s parent/guardian and doctor.  This form must be filled out correctly, signed by both the parent and the teacher.  Prescription medicine must be in the container labeled by the pharmacy within the child’s name and dosage.  Nonprescription medications must be in the original container labeled with directions for dosage. 



Guardian Angel requires that each child have a physical by his or her family doctor.  Parents are required to provide Guardian Angel with the name and contact information of the child’s doctor and dentist.  Additionally, parents need to provide a physician’s report of their child’s physical examination done within the twelve months before attending Guardian Angel and annually thereafter.   


Child health and safety records will include:  

  • Current information about any health insurance coverage required for treatment in an emergency.

  • Results of health examination, showing up-to-date immunization and screening test with an indication of normal or abnormal results and any follow-up required for abnormal results;

  • Current emergency contact information for each child that is kept up to date by a specified method during the school year. 

  • Names of individual authorized by the family to have access to health information about the child;

  • Instruction for any of the child’s special health needs such as allergies or chronic illness (i.e. asthma, hearing or vision impairments, feeding needs, neuromuscular conditions, urinary or other ongoing health problems, seizures, diabetes); 

  • Individual emergency care plan for children with known medial or developmental problems or other conditions that might required special care in an emergency (allergy, asthma, seizures, orthopedic or sensory problems and other chronic conditions; conditions that require regular medication or technology support.

  • Supporting evidence for cases in which a child is under-immunized because of a medical condition (documented by a licensed health professional) or the family’s beliefs. Staff implements a plan to exclude the child promptly if a vaccine-preventable disease to which children are susceptible occurs in the program.



Immunizations:  The immunization record for all children is required on the form issued by the Iowa Department of Health and signed by a health official.  A copy of the most current immunization record must be on file at Guardian Angel and must be updated each time your child receives a new vaccine.  The record shall include documentation of immunization with the Hib vaccine given on or after the 15-month birthday.  Effective July 2003, children over 18 months of age enrolled in licensed child care centers are required to have received the Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine.  However, if your child has had the chickenpox disease in the past, it is not necessary to receive the vaccine.  Simply note on the certificate of immunization that your child has had a diagnosed case of the disease. 


Both the Health forms for physical and the immunization card must be in file at Guardian Angel in order for your child to be enrolled. 


  • There is a “Health Release Form” to be filled out by parents which states who has access to your child’s health records.  (In the Paperwork Packet) 

  • If you choose not to immunize your child due to religious beliefs, Guardian Angel requires you to fill out the “Religious Exemption Form”, which is available upon request. 


Immunization Exclusion: Guardian Angel will exclude a child promptly if there is a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak to which your non-immunized child is susceptible to and will be excluded until the outbreak is over.  We will work closely with the health department to guide us in this situation.  We will also provide notices to all parents of any these specific exposures by sending a note home with your child. 


Illness: The Staff at Guardian Angel will strive to prevent the spread of illness among the children.  Your cooperation will be a tremendous help in maintaining the health of all of our children.  A yearly physical is required and a current record of immunization is kept in your child’s file. 

Please do not send your child to daycare if they have any of the following conditions: 

Temperature above 99.5


Flu-like symptoms

Unexplained rashes 

Contagious disease

Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) 

Non-food related diarrhea 


Children who develop any of these conditions during the day will be isolated from the rest of the children, placed in the quiet area in the classroom.  Parents or an emergency contact person will be required to pick up the child immediately. 


Parents of a child with a diagnosed contagious condition (strep, measles, mumps, etc.) are asked to notify the center so the staff and other parents can be alert for symptoms in the other children.  Any child with a temperature of 99.5 must be fever-free, without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to daycare. 


If a child becomes ill or hurt while at Guardian Angel, we will phone you or the person you have indicated on your emergency form.  If you cannot be reached, we will contact your physician. 


Should you need us to administer medication you will be requested to complete a Medication Form listing the type of  medication, the amount to be given and the times to be given, etc.  We ask that all medication of any kind be left in the original container.  No medication of any kind will be given without the completed form. Guardian Angel offers free vision and dental screenings.  You will be notified when they are available. 


Administration of Medication: There are circumstances that make it necessary for a child to receive medication while attending school.  Trained teachers and administrator’s can give prescription and non-prescription medication under certain circumstances with prior written permission from the child’s parent/guardian and doctor.  A Medication Authorization Form may be obtained from the office and must be filled correctly and signed by the parent.  Prescription medicine must be in the container labeled by the pharmacy with the child’s name and dosage, the date the prescription was filled, the name of the licensed care provider, the expiration date of the medication, or the period of use of the medication.  Non-prescription medicine must be in the original container labeled with directions for dosage.  All medications are kept in a locked container. Any other person who would administer medication has specific training and a written performance evaluation, on the practice of the five right practices of medication administration:  (1) Verifying that the right child receives the (2) right mediation (3) in the right dose (4) at the right time (5) by the right method with documentation of each time the mediation is given. Medication errors will be controlled by checking these five right practices each time mediation is given. Should a medication error occur, the Regional Poison Control Center and the child’s parents will be contacted immediately. The incident will be documented in the child’s record at school.


Sunscreen and Bug Repellent: If conditions require, Guardian Angel will be responsible for the application of sunscreen or bug spray, upon your signed release.  (In Paperwork Packet) 


Allergies and Chronic Illness:  Please notify your child’s teacher of any possible allergies or chronic illness.  An action plan form should be completed and will be available to all staff caring for your child.  A list of allergies will also be listed in the classroom. 


Cleaning and Sanitation: One of the most important steps in reducing the spread of infectious diseases among children and Guardian Angel staff is cleaning and sanitizing surfaces that could possibly pose a risk to children and staff.  Household bleach with water is recommended.  It is effective, economical, convenient, and readily available.  The solution is non-toxic and safe if handled properly, and kills most infectious agents.  This standard solution is ¼ cup of household bleach to one gallon of cool water.  New solution should be made daily and left over solution is discarded at the end of each day.  Guardian Angel has a cleaning schedule that staff follows to insure the cleanliness of the classroom. 


Procedures for standard precautions are used and include the following:  

  • Surfaces that may come in contact with potentially infectious body fluids must be disposable or made of a material that can be sanitized. 

  • Staff use barriers and techniques that minimize contact of mucus membranes or of openings in the skin with potentially infectious body fluids and reduce the spread of infectious disease. 

  • When spills of body fluids occur, staff clean them up immediately with detergent followed by water rinsing. 

  • After cleaning, staff sanitize nonporous surfaces by using the procedure described in the Cleaning and Sanitation Table. 

  • Staff clean rugs and carpeting by blotting, spot cleaning with a detergent-disinfectant, and shampooing or steam cleaning. 

  • Staff dispose of contaminated materials and diapers in a plastic bag with a secure tie that is placed in a closed container.   


Diapering and Toileting Procedure: If your child is not potty trained, please notify us so we can better assist with their needs. 

For  children who are unable to use the toilet consistently, the program makes sure that : 

  1. For children who require diapers, the diaper has an absorbent inner lining completely contained within an outer covering made of waterproof material that prevents the escape of feces and urine.  Both the diaper and the outer covering are changed as a unit. 

  2. Cloth diapers and clothing that are soiled by urine or feces are immediately placed in a plastic bag (without rinsing or avoidable handling) and sent home that day for laundering. 

Staff check children for signs that diapers or pull-ups are wet or contain feces 

  1.  At least every two hours when children are awake  

  2.  Diapers are changed when wet or soiled. 

  3. Staff change children’s diapers or soiled underwear in the designated changing areas and not elsewhere in the facility. 

  4. Each changing area is separated by a partial wall or at least three feet from other areas that children use and is used exclusively for one designated group of children. 

  5. At all times, caregivers have a hand on the child when being changed on an elevated surface. 

In the changing area, staff :

  1. Post changing procedures  

  2. Follow changing procedures 

  3. These procedures are used to evaluate teaching staff who change diapers. 

  4. Surfaces used for changing and on which changing materials are placed are not used for other purposes, including temporary placement of other objects, and especially not for any object involved with food or feeding. 

  5. Containers that hold soiled diapers and diapering materials have a lid that opens and closes tightly using a hands-free device (e.g. a step can) 

  6. Containers are kept closed.

  7. Containers are not accessible to children. 

  8. Staff members whose primary function is preparing food do not change diapers until their food preparation  duties are completed for the day. 


Hand-Washing Policies and Procedures 

Guardian Angel follows these practices regarding hand washing: 

  • All adults and those children who are developmentally able to learn personal hygiene are taught hand-washing procedures and are periodically monitored.   

  • Hand washing is required by all adults and children when hand washing would reduce the transmission of infectious diseases to themselves and others. 

  • Staff assist children with hand washing as needed to successfully complete the task.  Children wash either dependently or with assistance.   

  • Handwashing Procedure posters are displayed in each bathroom. 

Children and adults wash their hands: 

  • On arrival for the day. 

  • After using the restroom. 

  • After handling body fluids. 

  • Before meals and snack, before preparing or serving food, or after handling any raw food that requires cooking. 

  • Before and after playing in water that is shared by two or more people. 

  • After handling garbage or cleaning. 

Adults also wash their hands: 

  • Before and after administering medication. 

  • After assisting a child with eating. 

  • After assisting a child with toileting. 


Proper hand-washing procedures are followed by adults and children include: 

  • Using liquid soap and running water. 

  • Rubbing hands vigorously for at least 0 seconds, including back of hands, wrists, between fingers, under and around any jewelry, and under fingernails; and avoiding touching the faucet with just-washed hands. 


Drinking Water: Guardian Angel has a reverse osmosis water system.  Your child will have access to this safe drinking water throughout the day. 

First Aid Kit 

A First Aid Kit is located in every preschool classroom.  It is inaccessible to children, but readily available for adult use.  The first kit is appropriately and fully equipped according to the specific health standards.  Following each use of the First Aid Kit, the contents will be inspected and missing or used items replaces immediately.  The First Aid Kit will be inspected monthly.  The Kit is taken to the outdoor play areas as well as on field trips and outings away from the site. 


Water Play: Precautions are taken to ensure that communal water play does not spread infectious disease.  No child drinks the water, Children with sores on their hands are not permitted to participate in communal water play.  Fresh water is used and the water is changed daily and between classes. 


Fire, Tornado, and Other Emergency Procedures 

Guardian Angel has special procedures set up to deal with emergencies such as fire and natural disasters.  Emergency exit plans are posted in every classroom.  Fire and tornado drills will be practiced monthly.  The Sign-In Sheets are used as an attendance checklist during safety drills.  During severe weather, a constant watch will be kept for emergency information.  At least one staff in every classroom is certified in First Aid and CPR.  A fire and weather emergency plan, including evacuation routes, is posted in each room.  In case of the need to evacuate the building, the children will be moved to a safe location and parents will be notified. 



Guardian Angel encourages parent to become involved in the preschool.  Teachers regularly include parents in special celebrations and welcome parents who want to share special talents with the class.  Guardian Angel also asks that parents share their talents and time to help make the school the special community it is.  If interested, please ask the teachers for more details. 

There are also times that the area schools will have students to volunteer their time in the classroom.   


Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse 

Every Guardian Angel staff member is a mandatory reporter of child abuse to the Iowa Department of Human Services. 

Section 232.69 of the Iowa Code requires that every employee of a licensed daycare or preschool facility, who in the course of employment reasonably believes a child has suffered sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect, to make a report to the Iowa Department of Human Services within 24 hours. 


Staff members may directly report suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect to the Iowa Department of Human Services and will complete all necessary paperwork. The staff member should inform the Director of the report and together decide whether or not to inform the parents of the report.   


If a Guardian Angel staff member is accused of abuse and/or neglect by a parent or co-worker, such an accusation will be reported to the Director and a determination will be made as to whether there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse and/or neglect. If there is reasonable cause, a report must be made to the Department of Human Services (DHS). Guardian Angel will cooperate with any DHS investigation. In addition, the accused staff member will be informed of the allegations and be given an opportunity to respond to those allegations. Termination of employment after a child abuse allegation is at the discretion of the Director. 


Custody: A copy of any document issued by the court, such as a “no contact order” or “joint custody order” must be on file with the director in order for Guardian Angel to fully abide by the orders. 


Smoking: Smoking is not allowed in any program area or in a child-occupied room.  In addition, the Guardian Angel building and grounds are posted as smoke-free. 



We believe that children learn best through play and hands-on-experiences.  We also believe that the outdoors is an extension of the indoor learning environment.  Toys, materials, and activities are also available outdoors to enhance the children’s play experience.  The outdoor area is arranged so staff can supervise by sight and sound. 


It is important for parents to provide the appropriate clothing and outerwear for the weather conditions (e.g., coat, snow pants, boots, gloves, etc.). Please LABEL ALL articles of clothing with the child’s name.  Guardian Angel has a few extra hats and gloves but not enough for everyone. 


Winter: As temperatures/wind-chill approach 20°F, staff will check local weather stations to monitor the latest temperature and weather conditions.  Children spend a shorter amount of time outside in cold temperatures and are monitored closely.  When the wind chill reaches 0°F, children will remain indoors. 


Fall/Spring: As temperatures/heat index approach 90°F, staff will check local weather stations to monitor the latest temperatures and weather conditions.  Children often participate in water play activities outside in shady areas of the playground.  Children are also encouraged to get plenty of liquids to replenish body fluids.  Typically, the length of time spent outside is reduced or the children remain indoors when the heat index reaches 90°F.  At times, we will have the children only go outside early morning or late in the day when the sun is less intense. 


Reminder---if your child is not well enough to participate in outdoor play, he or she is not well enough to attend Guardian Angel. 


Clothing and Dress: 

  • Please label all coats, boots, mittens, etc. with your child’s name.   

  • Your child should have an extra set of clothes that stay in their backpack in case of a spill or accident. 

  • Your child should be dressed for active and participation play.  Guardian Angel does not want your child’s creativity hampered because he/she is wearing clothing that should not get dirty. 

  • Your child should wear sturdy, protective shoes, which enable him/her to run, climb, and ride trikes with ease. 

  • Children go outside most days; weather permitting, so please dress your child appropriately.   

  • In the winter, hat and mittens are needed every day.  Snow pants and warm boots are important whenever there is snow on the ground.  Please make sure to send tennis shoes as well on snowy days so the children can change into them after outside play. 

Accidents & Injuries 

The health and safety of the children in our care is our top priority.  Even with watchful eye, young children are often testing their physical limits and making injuries inevitable.  A report will be filed when an accident or injury occurs during the program.  The incident/accident form will be given and explained to the parent at pick-up.  One copy will remain in the child’s enrollment file and the other given to the parent. 


In the event of a medical emergency or accident requiring a doctor’s treatment, we will contact you immediately.  If we cannot make contact with a parent, emergency personnel will take the child to the emergency room via ambulance. 


At all times, there will be a Guardian Angel staff person on site who is trained in Pediatric First Aid and in Infant and Child CPR. 



Nutritional snacks are very important to growing bodies and they will be provided by the parents of Guardian Angel.  Nutritious snacks and drink will be provided in the morning and afternoon.  If a child has a food allergy you and your doctor will need to fill out a Food Allergy Action Plan.  The staff at Guardian Angel will provide a substitution for the allergic food.  Guardian Angel participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).      


We will also do cooking activities in the classrooms to try and explore new foods.  Your child will be encouraged to sample all foods served, but will never be forced to eat.  If for any reason your child cannot eat a certain food or has different dietary needs (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant), please inform the staff.  For allergies and food restrictions, a form must be completed by a medical professional indicating the allergy and the appropriate substitution.  An action plan may also be written for allergies. 



Food from home is not allowed at Guardian Angel, unless there are unusual circumstances.  As participants in the CACFP Program, our program must ensure that all children’s nutrition needs are being met according to the CACFP guidelines.  The only way to monitor this is to have the children eat the food provided by the program.  Food allergies and special diets (e.g. vegetarians, etc.) can generally accommodated by the program.   


  • Food should be pre-packaged, unopened, and preferably nutritious. 

  • Any treats, cakes, or cookies purchased at a store and acceptable but should remain in the original package to list ingredients to allow monitoring of food allergies. 

  • Be sure to include enough servings for all children. 

  • When planning your child’s home birthday party, please consider inviting all of the children or none.  If this is not possible, please mail invitations directly to children’s house to avoid sad or hurt feelings. 



Birthdays are special days for children and we plan to make it a fun day for them.  Your child may bring birthday treats to share on his/her birthday but check with the director in advance as to the number needed.  Treats brought in for birthdays must be prepackaged or made commercially.  Please check with the teachers to see if there is any child in the class that has any allergies. 



Teaching staff will supervise the children primarily by sight.  Teachers check frequently on children who are out of sight (e.g., those who can use the restroom independently, who are in the book corner, or different center areas) using supervision by sound for short intervals.  Guardian Angel follows the Teacher-Child ratio set by the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards of one teacher to ten children. 



Guardian Angel is committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment for all children.  The center’s behavior policy encourages children to develop social skills that reflect many of Guardian Angel’s values, including self-control, respect for others, and a positive self-esteem. 


Teachers model appropriate behavior and guide positive interactions among children and adults/  Nurturing these social skills is a central component of Creative Curriculum and it helps children grow as successful, lifelong learners. 


When a problem arises, the teacher relies on modeling appropriate behaviors Children are encouraged to problem-solve rather than use their hands or teeth and staff will always be nearby to help work through difficulties.  The teacher will first use redirection of the behavior, different PBIS which aids the children in solving their problems in a positive manner.  The time-out method, removal of a situation and loss of privileges, will be used as a last resort if necessary. 


When a child experiences a particular challenging time, Guardian Angel encourages parents and teachers to work together and develop appropriate strategies.  If a specific circumstance needs attention, the teacher will follow these procedures: 

  1.  The teachers will observe and document a child’s behavior. 

  2. The teachers will discuss the child’s behavior with a parent and inform him or her of strategies or accommodations the teacher will implement.  The teachers will discuss options with the director as well. 

  3. The teachers will follow up with the parents about how these strategies are influencing the behavior. 

  4. If concerns persists, a conference will be held with teachers, parents, and director to discuss options to help the child further develop appropriate social skills.   

  5. Staff members will make reasonable effort to work with the child and his/her family to resolve any issue.  The teacher may also ask for the parents’ permission to get the Area Education Agency involved to help with assessing the situation, aiding the teacher and child with different supports in the classroom, and assist in any further recommendations according to the child’s specific needs. 


In the rare cases where families fail to meet the expectations and rules of preschool that are required Guardian Angel will follow the legal framework listed below. 

First, the parents of the child at Guardian Angel are constitutionally entitled to notice and an opportunity to be hear before any lengthy removal.

Second, children with disabilities at Guardian Angel are entitled to additional protections when they are removed from Guardian Angel for disciplinary reasons. These protections are required by the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

Third, children at Guardian Angel must implement disciplinary removals in a nondiscriminatory manner. 



You are welcome to observe anytime or talk with the staff whenever necessary.  If a visit would cause your child to become upset, especially when first starting, please feel free to call anytime to see how your child is doing.  Visitors are welcome also, but please contact the teacher in advance. 



All interactions between children and animals must be respectful and staff must instruct children on safe behavior when in close proximity to animals.  The staff makes sure that classroom pets and visiting animals appear to be in good health.  These animals have documentation from a veterinarian or an animal shelter to show that the animals are fully immunized (if the animal should be so protected) and that the animal is suitable for contact with children.  The teaching staff supervises all children and knows who is allergic to which type of animals and is not exposed to the animals.  Reptiles are not allowed as classroom pets because of the risk of salmonella infection. 




School closing and delays are made to assure the safety of our children.  Guardian Angel Universal Preschool Program will follow the Le Mars Community School’s yearly calendar.  If K-12 is not having school, we WILL NOT be in session. If there are any weather-related dismissals or schedule changes, we will post it on Facebook, Textcaster, & KLEM (1410 AM) 


If Le Mars Community and Gehlen Catholic Schools have a 2-Hour late start due to weather, there will be NO A.M. CLASS. 


If Le Mars Community and Gehlen Catholic Schools have a 2-Hour Early Dismissal due to weather, there will be NO P.M. CLASS. 



There is a strict policy of allowing no weapon play at Guardian Angel.  Children are not permitted to play with weapons of any type or size or to pretend that other items are weapons, including their fingers, hands, or blocks.  Viewing aggressive acts in movies or television is NOT recommended for children.  Competitive behavior is minimized in our program.  In young children, competition often increases negative behavior and decreases acceptance of others.  Furthermore, competition can work against the positive self-concept, acceptance of others, and friendship.  Bullying is no considered acceptable behavior; all efforts will be made to guide children in finding appropriate ways to interact with others.  Your help in this area is especially appreciated. 



Parking during drop off and pickup at Guardian Angel is provided in the front of the building.  Enter the circle drive from the east and exit from the west. 

  • PLEASE teach your child to stay with you when leaving and entering the building.   

  • Children running ahead in the parking areas and inside the building can be in danger of serious injury. 





Guardian Angel Preschool children participate in several field trips throughout the year and transportation is provided by Siouxland Regional or the Le Mars Community bussing system.  Parents give permission for their child to attend field trips.  If you do not wish for your child to attend an outing, please make alternative child care arrangements.  When leaving the center the First Aid Kit, Parental Emergency Medical Consent forms, emergency cards and a cell phone are taken along.



Throughout the school year, preschool teachers and associates will have professional development activities to attend and there will be no preschool on these days.  Teachers will provide a monthly calendar so parents can plan for these days.  




1-Complete Change of Clothes (Underwear and Socks too) to be left at school or in your child’s back pack at all times. 


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